Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Blogging has not been a regular routine for me since having had surgery. It's not the first thing I think of. What is the first thing I think of? It's getting through the day. Each day is difficult, having to deal with adjustments to life after chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and now another bout of chemotherapy. What's different? I'll spare you the details, but basically it amounts to everything. Even breakfast is different. Oatmeal doesn't taste so good because it requires rigerous chewing to make sure everything goes down okay. It's no fun. So I've adjusted to eating eggs (which are great), toast, and other easy to chew things. My lunch routine: used to be ham and cheese sandwhiches and raw produce. Well, raw produce doesn't agree with me for now, and ham is bad, bad, bad (in my current opinion). (Today I had a delightful strawberry shortcake. . . life's not all that bad).

What else has changed? Coughing, laughing, sneezing -- they all hurt.

Driving is weird, but getting better. Sitting is weird, but getting better. Wearing anything but sweats is weird, but getting better. Some of these things will always be weird, but hopefully get to be less annoying as time goes by. Lots has changed and will stay changed. But again, I will spare the goary details.

So now what's up? Well, I'm looking forward to getting back to a semblence of life as usual. Next week I will go back to work part time. I'm quite excited. For the occasion, I'm sporting a new beard, new glasses, and some new cloths. I may even swing for some new textbooks so that I can be extra smart when I get back to work.

Well, again, it's not all bad. I get to get back to life as usual. I'm not bed-ridden, chair-ridden, ridden with chronic pain, or anything totally dehabilitationg -- just minor and major inconveniences, some of which I may be able to fix later on. I'm glad to be able to get on with life. I'm glad I have another chance. I hope to do as well or better. My life is a gift from God. I intend to live long and full and fulfil many more chapters of life before I'm finished.

There has arisen more complications with my condition. I'm happy to share it privately, but for those who want the full scoop and don't want to wait, check out Mom's writing on www.caringbridge.org/visit/adambonner