It's a jolly good thing I'm not a doctor. If I were an oncologist, my patients would be in utter agony as I bombard them with radiation and overdose them with chemo -- the whole goal being to eliminate their need for surgery. They would have 1st degree burns from head to toe, vommitting up the wazoo (what's a wazoo?), chumped up in bed dead-tired all day, with not a hair on their body. But by George! as much as they would be suffering, that darn cancer would be suffering all the more. That cancer would be running like a pack of devils into a swine herd. Yes! be thankful I'm not your doctor.
I am irritable and tired today. Be thankful you don't have to be around me today. Drugs have an amazing ability to adjust the additude. It is to my discredit that it usually seems to be a downward adjustment. The remedy for this is scripture. I have considered the arguments from Christians who say that Christians should never be sick, never be downcast, never have any problems. I hartily refute such thoughts. Those people have never read the Psalms, or Job, or a host of other Bible characters. One of my favorite Psalms is 88 (along with 39, 42&43, and 77). In it we see someone who is utterly afflicted, and yet he asks the hopeful questions "Shall they lovingkindness be declared to the grave? or they faithfullness in destruction?" It seems to me that the answer to these questions is No. But the hope is that as a believer, my final resting place is not the grave, nor will I see ultimate destruction, but I will live forever in glory in heaven. That is enough for me to know.
I'm glad you are in a good mood tonight! :)