Saturday, November 19, 2011

another unwanted hospital visit

Dear Friends,
My hands are a bit weak, perhaps simply from lack of use in the hospital. So I'll l have to keep this short. Forgive my typos. I'm also extremely tired. This week, I am glad I made it through. I wasn't sure that I would. It is truly by God's grace. How can we take forgranted a nasty fight against pnumonea and cancer, while coming out a week later not much worse for it anything less than grace! Please pray for continued recovery as I'm not there yet. I also continue to be tired almost continuously. Ick! It's very hard to get things completed, much less started. Next time I will write about clinlical trials as promised if I have the strength. For now, feel free to visit for mor detailed info that my mother faithfully posts.



  1. Adam, you bless me as you praise Him. As you may remember, I have you on my daily prayer list, but pray for you as often He brings you to my mind. Psalm 62:1 "My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my salvation; He is my Fortress, I will never be shaken."

    How much comfort and peace I find---and I know you do as well--in His Word. How thankful I am that He speaks to us...somedays I cannot believe He, the Creator of this entire universe, wants to speak to me??? Whoa...really makes me stop and think. How very thankful I am!

    God be with you, dear adopted nephew!
    Love, Aunt Marge

  2. Dearest Adam,
    Ray went to the hosp. @ 8:30 pm on Sat night, hoping to get a few min. alone with you. You had just left. We pray continually for you, and your dear parents. We entrust you into the care of a faithful, gracious, eternal Father. Lord's Day 9 will be what I read to you when I stop over.
    We will call first.
    Linda and Ray

  3. You have been in my thoughts and heart much of the time this week. I am SO thankful God let me be a small part of your life. You are such a blessing to me!
    Love, Aunt Marge

  4. You will be in my continued prayers, are so brave! I do sincerely pray that God will use all of this for Good...that's amazing of you to be thinking of your contribution & how you could be helping others through your suffering right now...may He more than answer your prayers. Praying for Peace for you, as well as the continued reminder of everyone who so cares for you...I am thankful to have known you. It still makes me laugh when I think about that time we were driving around in the rain...maybe that day you helped me get new windshield wipers?...and you were joking around about having road rage...I love your sense of humor...;) Sending hugs through the miles, Rachel
