Sunday, August 21, 2011

Distracted from Reality

Distraction is the best momentary cure for pain. I have found the playing with the dog, reading the news, talking with friends over an Indian buffet are all good distractions for the pain. That is all last week's news. This week is different. This week, distractions have been a bad thing. This week, distractions kept me from proclaiming some good news: The pain and aching of the shoulders and neck are nearly gone! Yes! they have been gradually subsiding. I am not sure whether to attribute this to a change in diet, a misunderstanding of the actual cause of the pain, or perhaps some real healing. But it is true nonetheless.

Many of you have prayed for my physical healing. I am not ready to say that any healing of my disease has occurred. But I am certainly experiencing temporary and unexpected relief. I think this in itself is an answer to prayer. If, in this small healing, God has been glorified, then good has come out of my current suffering.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! and btw, I really like the blog's header. :)
