Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another post

Well, most of you know all the latest news. This is more of the auxillary blog. More faithfully posts go up on caring bridge (, and so I don't necessarily have to post everything here. This is mostly where I post when I feel like it, which, it is apparent, is not too often.

But I do feel I must share the latest news personally. Over a week ago, I spent some very unpleasant time in an MRI machine (stop me if I've told you this before. It feels like I have). It was not something I'd like to do every day. My personal journal tells it better than I can. . .

"A joyous day! Yesterday I sat inside the MRI donut for almost an hour listening, as it were, to the sounds of buses and trucks honking and passing at full speed, feeling their winds blowing by me, all in the comfort of the donut. Headphones were placed over my ears to play music and dampen the sound of the instrument which proved to be quite noisey.

". . . I chatted with the good doctor, who informed me that my MRI results were in already. I almost didn't want to hear the news, but we have all been praying for a good outcome, and we were reminded at prayer meeting the other night that God delights to answer our prayers with "yes", and that the Holy Spirit prays for us, and God the Father delights to answer the Spirit's prayers for us. Praise be to God! His answer was "yes". (Although we should also have been content with a "no", it would have been much harder).
No vascular involvement!
No bladder involvlment!
No prostate involvement!
This can only be the work of God! In fact, my lymph nodes have shrunk down further yet since after my CT scan. This is all very good news, and we rejoice.

Well, there it is. I figured I wouldn't be able to write it as well if I started from scratch. Don't ask me to open the rest of my journal to you . . . it's personal stuff, and I won't ask for yours either. . .

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feeling Fine but Supposed to

As many of you know who see me on a pretty regular basis, I feel fine. Frankly, I wouldn't do anything about my condition right now, except that I'm told if I don't it will kill me. I often think about how nice it would be if I could just remain in my current condition without going through surgery, as I know that surgery will only make me feel worse, and I may not recover to the same state of comfort that I'm in right now. But the risk of not doing the surgery is too great (so say the experts). So it appears that my best chance is to have the surgery, even though it will likely leave me in a state of misery that I've never known before.

As I've said, I'm feeling fine. But this is apparently not a surprise to the experts. In my reading, I find that the body responds to different kinds of cancers differently. Some cancers are really nasty, and they make you feel really sick. Other cancers do not effect the body in the same way. In my case, until Very late stage, I could generally feel in good health -- no nausia, no major discomfort. That was very intresting to me. I always had this picture that everyone in my condition was nothing but miserable all the time. That's how TV portrays it. But it's not the case.

So for those of you who want to know when it the dreaded day, it is March 23. I will fly out March 21, go in for tests and whatnot on March 22, and be admitted that evening. Then it's all downhill from there. What can I say. Sometime this week I will go in for an MRI so that the docs can "restage" my disease (I was stage III last time, and I don't think they'll downgrade me).

And what am I doing about my current state? Lots of supplements as prescribed by sister-in-law, brother, and me (based on a fair deal of research):

Omega 7
Omega 3 and 6
Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
Vitamin D3
Bioperine (helps the body absorb stuff)

The list will be added to today, I think, with Vitamins C and E. Can I handle any more than this? Not sure. I'm not sure it's doing me any good, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something about it, on top of exercise and good diet, and healthful mind exercises (reading, puzzeling, what not).