Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Lots has gone on, but I feel I have little to say. I just got out of hospital on Saturday. I was in for a bloodclot in my leg. The doctors and nurses keep calling it a DVT. I don't know why they don't just speak in human terms. Once again, I had lots of visitors -- 10 at one time in an evening. This time, bloodclot is actually painful, which is a first. I had pain in my upper left leg for several days. Finally, swelling ensued. The doctor received a late evening call and finally told me to get meself to the ER, which I promtly did. I was admitted at 3AM, and we all got a few hours of sleep before breakfast came as a great disturbance.

Lots of narration to do, but I don't really want to. Nor do I think it particularly necessary. I haven't been feeling up to narrating for a while. So I'll bypass that and maybe come back to it in a while. I think I've had much to learn over the past couple setbacks. As you know, I've had a shoulder fracture which required my arm be in minimal use for the past month. Also, the aformentioned bloodclot in the left leg. What does all this mean? I've been feeling pretty good up to this point. So now there's some discomfort and temporary disability.

What have I learned? First, it's possible to get by with one arm (although the second hand has been available to help out on certain things, so one armed, two-handed). Second, it is possible to get around on one working leg, while hobbling around on the second. What makes it possible? Two parents who take care of my every need! Wow! Thanks to both Mom and Dad! I'm working on getting back to both feet and both arms. I'm quite excited. I have learned all the things that I cannot do without arm and leg. I will much appreciate having full ability again as I have a bit of understanding what it's like to have some minor disabilities. Yesterday I found it  more than a bit fatiguing to make it from car to blood lab for some routine testing.

Some other things I should be learning but don't think I am? Patience -- when I want something and can't get it immidiately for myself; Humility -- none of the good or bad is from myself, etc. I really should go into that more (no, I'm not a fatalist); oh so many other things.

Now that I think about it, there's so much to say. I've been working on this for a while and I'm easily distracted by things I think are more fun, so it takes me a lot more time to do this than you might think it should. But for now, I'm finished. Let me know if there's something particular you want me to write on -- an assignment, if you will. That will make for a good challenge for me! (of course I might not do it)


  1. A challenge? Yes! Tell us, Mr. Adam, how much wood could a wood chuck, chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
    For real though, in light of your upcoming birthday it'd be great to hear some thoughts on God's faithfulness (even in affliction) over the last year.
    -Kyle B.

  2. Please write a response to the following:


    The post is about how reformed folk have a different type of humor from the other sheep.

  3. Dear V: I can barely Read such a long post much less Respond to it :-)

  4. I vote you write on both of Kyle's suggestions ;)

    Praying for you Adam!

  5. just checking if anonymous can still post
